Demojournal was a weekly newsletter by ps (Psychic Symphony) from Portugal. It was released in the years 1998-2000. 99 issues were released in total.
Most of the issues of Demojournal consisted of a news corner, a party calendar, an interview, reviews of a demo, an intro and a music tune, a question of the week, a quote of the week, and a list of scene-related websites. In some issues there were also charts and articles. In the first issues, ps also tried to compile a complete list of active demosceners, which included about 300 handles.
The reviews from the year 1999 can also be found in the review magazine Sunray. What may be interesting and reason enough to take a look at Demojournal nevertheless is the interviews. There was an interview with an active scener almost every week.
At is peak about 350 people subscribed to Demojournal.
All issues of Demojournal can be downloaded from